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The appeal of the banks made under the presidents
call for a return of gold and gold certificates to the treas-
ury has not fallen on deaf ears in Nashua. The govern-
ment needed the gold in its emergency to meet the bank-
ing situation, and here as elsewhere through the nation
the public has responded. Much of the gold and gold
certificates which had been taken out of circulation had
not been taken with the misers idea of hoarding but as
a possible protection for themselves in view of circum-
stances just the nature of which they would not forsee.
That trouble has ended.
Those who have gold or gold certificates ought there-
fore in the nature of things meet the appeal of the gov-
ernment by returning this form of currency to the banks,
either as addition to their regular deposits, or receiving
full value in the currency of the present day, absolutely
as sound.
They should remember also the danger of losses always
threatening when sums of money are kept under the mat-
tress or in the sugar bowl.